“So, where are we at?†is a good line to use in a business conversation but not when driving or on the receiving end from a ticked off female.
There have been a few times in negotiating with a business prospect that I sensed that they were ready for the kill. Homed in on their emotional connection, I made sure not to seem as if I was pushing the agenda. It would be better to let them state the willingness to proceed with the deal. After all, it was their money to spend.
“So, where are we at?†was spoken and the usual response was “when can we get started?†and it meant I scored a new customer.
Then there have been times I was involved with a lady that offered intriguing possibilities. I came close a couple of times to giving in and showing a firm commitment but then there was that voice I heard swirling in my head saying “don’t do it- you’ll regret it.â€
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